Classroom Toolbox Training

The Classroom Toolbox is a virtual toolbox of resources to help teachers provide adapted communication supports to students in their classrooms. In here you'll find the Classroom Communication Supports Checklist to help you determine what supports you already have in place, ones you have but aren't using, and ones you are interested in exploring. For every communication support, there's a learning module to explore, with photos, descriptions, components, links to comprehensive resources and curated YouTube videos. These modules will help you confidently increase the communication supports for your students!

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Building the Communication Classroom Series

  • Getting Oriented (3 lessons)​
  • Present Level of Performance: How do my students communicate? (3 lessons)​
  • Can You Hear Me Now?   Classroom Routines, Expectations & Visual Supports (7 lessons)​
  • Simple Communication Systems: Light Tech (5 lessons)​
  • Embedding Communication Into Your Classroom (5 lessons)​
  • IEP Time! Progress, Present Levels and Goals (2 lessons)​
  • AAC 101: Simple Steps for Student Communication​
  • The Core Word Classroom​

There is a wealth of information and materials for you on our website, so you may be asking yourself, "Where in the world do I start?" No worries, we've got you! This is the first stop in your training! In this unit we will be answering some primary questions to get you started!

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Starting Young: Communication in Early Intervention & the Preschool Classroom

Our specialized training hub dedicated to supporting communication success in Early Intervention in the home and our preschool classrooms

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Communication Systems Series

  • Getting Started with a New Communication System (3 lessons)​
  • Understanding Robust AAC Systems (3 lessons)​
  • AAC Feature Considerations (5 lessons)​
  • Speech Generating Devices & Applications (3 lessons) ​

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Partner Strategy Kits

  • Interaction Strategies (3 lessons)​
  • AAC Access (3 lessons)​
  • Engagement (3 lessons)​
  • Language Support Strategies (5 lessons)​

Partner Strategy Kits

AAC Partner Strategy Kits are engaging posters/handouts, descriptions and short videos explaining and modeling techniques for you to use to help your student be willing, and able to communicate using their AAC system!

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AAC Assessment Series

  • Communication Matrix:  Forms & Functions​
  • Student Communication Goals Grid​
  • Every Move Counts, Clicks & Chats: Motivators, Sensory Needs, Forms & Functions​
  • Communication Sample & Analysis​
  • Dynamic AAC Goals Grid (DAGG)​
  • AAC Evaluation Genie Training​
  • AAC Communication Skills Assessment-2​
  • Dynamic AAC Advanced Consultation FORM​
  • Team & Family Involvement

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DTA Schools Evaluation and Funding

  • DTA Schools Process Introduction​
  • DTA Schools Referral & Records Review​
  • DTA Schools Dynamic AAC Assessment & Trials Process​
  • AAC Funding Sources​
  • SGD Evaluation Report Writing​
  • Working with SGD Manufacturers
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Empowering Families: AAC At Home

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High Frequency Core Words & Messages

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AAC 101

5 steps to move from training to talking, give you a clear path for you and your student learner. Learning to communicate is a shared journey between the learner and their partners, and that makes sense! Communication is a shared activity between two people. It is the means for us to make connections, meet our needs, engage socially, participate in shared experiences, and bridge the gap between our experiences and sharing these their partners.

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DTA Schools Device Funding Process

The funding process for acquiring a speech generating device (SGD) at DTA Schools is a comprehensive and collaborative endeavor aimed at providing students with the necessary tools for effective communication. When the IEP team and the student's family express interest in pursuing private funding for an SGD, DTA Schools takes on the responsibility of creating a formal Speech Generating Device Evaluation Report (SGD Report), meticulously detailing all relevant information required by most insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare funding channels. The process requires a visit to their family physician to discuss the need for an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system, obtaining a prescription and visit notes documenting the physician's opinion of the need for the device. The family's consent is sought to allow the SGD manufacturer to apply on their behalf to the funding source, be it insurance or Medicaid, and to agree to cover any costs that are not fully covered.

The speech generating device manufacturers (ex: Tobii Dynavox, Prentke Romich, Ablenet) are fully responsible for pursuing funding with insurance or Medicaid. DTA Team has no control of the process once we present the necessary documents to the manufacturers. Some manufacturers are very quick, with delivery in less than 4 weeks, others are much slower, with devices in funding as long as 6 months. We will advise you on our history with the different manufacturers, so that you make decisions knowing what to expect. Please understand that we cannot in any way control this timeline. It is impacted by how efficient the manufacturer's funding department and the insurance or Medicaid operates.

If the funding application is successful, the SGD will be delivered and customized by the DTA Schools team, with input from the family and school team, unless otherwise requested by the family or IEP team. While securing coverage is not guaranteed, DTA Schools is dedicated to ensuring that students have access to the communication tools they need to thrive.


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Next lesson:

SGD Evaluation Report Writing



DTA Schools Process Intro

We are so happy to work with you on your student's AAC evaluation.  This session is an introduction to our process, how we systematically ensure that we are using a collaborative team approach to choosing an AAC solution when needed.

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DTA Schools Referral & Records Review

Let's talk about the referral process for AAC advanced consultation and assessment from DTA Schools. In this video, we'll walk you through the essential steps involved in getting the necessary information to support students' communication needs.

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DTA Schools Dynamic AAC Assessment & Trials

This assessment process is a comprehensive approach that incorporates team input, records reviews, direct assessments, and AAC skills assessment to identify appropriate communication solutions for individuals with speech, language, and communication needs. Let's take a look!

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DTA Schools Team Decision Making

The "Findings Review" process involves the DTA Team developing a Preliminary AAC Assessment Report to guide the IEP team discussion in determining suitable AAC solutions, a subsequent meeting with the IEP Team and family to discuss and decide on the desired AAC solutions, and communication of the outcome to the DTA Schools for further action.

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DTA Schools Device Funding Process

The funding process for acquiring a speech generating device (SGD) at DTA Schools is a comprehensive and collaborative endeavor aimed at providing students with the necessary tools for effective communication.

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SGD Evaluation Report Writing

This video will cover the essentials of an SGD evaluation and how to write an effective report. We'll detail each section needed for funding submission, ensuring the student receives the recommended device chosen by the team.

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Working with SGD Manufacturers

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