AAC Implementation

Learning to Communicate Our Basic Wants and Needs

Vicki Clarke
January 24, 2024

Learning to Communicate Our Basic Wants and Needs

Vicki Clarke
January 24, 2024

In the world of supporting special needs students with expressive language and speech impairments, teaching communication for expressing wants and needs is not just important, it's one of our priorities. This focus is important for these 5 reasons:

  1. Basic Human Rights: At its core, communicating wants and needs is a fundamental human right. Teaching these students how to convey these basic elements is more than a skill; it's affirming their dignity and individual respect.
  2. Self-Advocacy and Independence: As these students learn to communicate their wants and needs effectively, they develop self-advocacy skills. This empowers them to make their own choices and exert some control over their lives, fostering a sense of independence.
  3. Reduction of Frustration and Behavior Issues: Often, the inability to communicate effectively can spiral into frustration, which might present in various challenging behaviors. By equipping students with these communication skills, we can significantly reduce such frustrations, to allow for a a more tranquil and productive learning environment for all.
  4. Social Inclusion and Interaction: The ability to express wants and needs also enhances students' ability to engage more meaningfully with their peers and educators. This fosters social inclusion and enhances interpersonal relationships.
  5. Foundation for Further Language Development: Focusing on these foundational aspects of communication lays a solid groundwork for the developing more advanced language and communication skills.

It's essential to note, however, that while emphasizing the communication of wants and needs is vital, this should not overshadow the necessity of a more comprehensive communicative approach. This balanced focus ensures students are equipped not just to express basic needs but to also develop a rich tapestry of communication skills essential for an inclusive and fulfilling life.

Check out our FREE download of the Classroom Communication Project Tools we use to assess, develop and implement effective communication instruction in our self-contained special education classrooms on Teachers Pay Teachers!

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